Monday, September 28, 2020

Review: Bringing Down the Duke

Bringing Down the Duke Bringing Down the Duke by Evie Dunmore
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

⭐️4.5 stars⭐️

Perhaps you can explain it to me, then, how is it fair that my utterly inept cousin is in command of me, for no reason other than that he's a man and I'm a woman?

How is it fair that I master Latin and Greek as well as any man at Oxford, yet I am taught over a baker's shop?

How is it fair that a man can tell me my brain was wired wrong, when his main achievement in life seems to be his birth into a life of privilege?

And why do I have to beg a man to please make it his interest that I, too, may vote on the laws that govern my life every day?

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